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Our Mission
Building A Movement To Prevent Teen Suicide.
End teen suicides and create a culture change that prevents depression and other self-inflicted harm for teens.
Developmentally, the years between childhood and adulthood represent a critical period of transition and significant cognitive, mental, emotional, and social change.
While adolescence is a time of tremendous growth and potential, navigating new milestones in preparation for adult roles involving education, employment, relationships, and living circumstances can be difficult.
These transitions can lead to various mental health challenges that can be associated with an increased risk for suicide.
Being There
Approximately one out of every 15 high school students reports attempting suicide each year.
One out of every 53 high school students reports having made a suicide attempt that was serious enough to be treated by a doctor or a nurse. For each suicide death among young people, there may be as many as 100 to 200 suicide attempts.
For some groups of youth – including those who are involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender; American Indian/Alaska Native; and military service members – the incidence of suicidal behavior is even higher.

Finding Help
Building A Movement To Prevent Teen Suicide.
Starting At Home
Starting at home means being able to identify when a teen or young adult is showing the signs or depression or contemplating suicide.
Cyber Bullying Is Real
With the recent rise of social media and access to the internet, cyber bullying has been a proven root cause of young adult and teen suicide.
Make Schools Safer
We work with public school boards to help identify deficiencies in funding and provide resources to make schools a safer place for all students.
Contact Us
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